
請注意以下來自LINE Pay的新聞及通知。

  • LINE Pay隱私權政策內容已變更通知NEW

    LINE Pay隱私權政策自2018年9月3日起修訂如下:
    https://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=zh-hant。 本公司以此說明當使用者利用一卡通票證股份有限公司(下稱「一卡通」)所提供之電子支付服務、電子票證服務與其他相關之服務時,本公司得將使用者之個人資料分享予一卡通。


    LINE Pay Privacy Policy is hereby amended ashttps://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=zh-hant on and from September 3, 2018.
    LINE Pay describes that Personal Information may be shared with iPASS Corporation Limited ("iPass") when an user uses Electronic Payment services, the Electronic Stored Value Cards Services and other services provided by iPass.

    If the user continues to use the Services, he/she will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Privacy Policy; If the user disagree with the the aforementioned amendments, he/she may withdraw the consent to Privacy Policy through ceasing the use of the Services, deregistering as an user, or contacting our CS center.
    The user may find the amended LINE Pay Privacy Policy at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=zh-hant.
  • LINE Pay 新功能即將與您見面!NEW


    很高興能向您預告,LINE Pay與一卡通攜手打造的新服務即將上線!我們期待透過新服務,帶來更多元的支付方式,開拓更多支付場景,使用戶的生活更加便利,並創造前所未有的支付體驗。

    為了讓您屆時可以順暢地使用LINE Pay與最新功能,特此提前公開系統相關要求版本,邀請您先確認與進行必要升級:

    ■Android手機:Android OS版本須為4.4以上
    ■LINE:配合LINE Pay系統全面升級,LINE版本須更新至iOS 8.12.0以上/Android 8.13.3以上。


    LINE Pay new feature is coming soon!
    Please go to check your mobile phone and LINE version.

    We are glad to share with you that LINE Pay's new feature in the collaboration with iPASS is coming soon! We look forward to making your life more convenient by providing various payment methods and creating more advanced payment experience through the new service in the near future.

    We do pay attention to our users, thus we invite you to check your mobile phone and LINE version before new feature launches.

    ■iPhone:iOS 9.0 or above
    ■Android Phone:Android OS 4.4 or above
    ■Android Phone:Android Phone browser to the latest version and the Javascript enabled.
    ■LINE version 8.12.0 or above

    Try to update your LINE version now.
    Let's look forward to the new service together!

  • LINE Pay Privacy Policy Update Notice and Introduction of Addendum for GDPRNEW

    As of May 25, 2018, European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive.

    To comply with GDPR, LINE Pay has updated LINE Pay Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) accordingly and prepared LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for GDPR (“Addendum for GDPR”) to better protect personal data of users in EU (European Union). The Addendum for GDPR is applied to users in EU only.

    If you continue to use the LINE Pay Services, you will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned updated Privacy Policy and Addendum for GDPR. If you do not agree to the aforementioned updates, please immediately cease the use of the LINE Pay Services. You may find the updated Privacy Policy at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=en and Addendum for GDPR at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_GDPR_global?lang=en.

  • 以後就用LINE來付款!


    歡迎使用簡單又安全的LINE Pay服務。

    請從LINE的「其他」選擇「LINE Pay」,使用LINE Pay服務。

    * LINE Pay可在iPhone及Android OS上使用。(部分Android裝置除外)

    * 部分國家無法使用LINE Pay。
  • LINE Pay 條款變更通知NEW

    茲此修訂LINE Pay一般服務條款、隱私權政策及任何適用於LINE Pay服務(下稱「本服務」)之相關文件(以下合稱「本條款」)。
    自2015年1月28日起,本服務之提供者將從LINE BIZ+ Pte. Ltd.(下稱「LINE BIZ+」)及其關係企業,變更為台灣連線有限公司(下稱「LINE台灣」)及其關係企業。
    故自2015年1月28日起,本條款提及「LINE BIZ+」之處,均應被視為由「LINE台灣」取代。

    LINE Pay General Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and any relevant documents applicable to LINE Pay services (the "Services") (collectively, "Terms") are hereby amended.
    On and from 28,1, 2015, the provider of the Services will be changed from LINE BIZ+ Pte. Ltd. ("LINE BIZ+") and its affiliates to LINE Taiwan Limited (台灣連線有限公司; "LINE Taiwan") and its affiliates.
    Therefore, on and from 28,1, 2015, any reference to "LINE BIZ+" under the Terms shall be deemed replaced with "LINE Taiwan."
    In addition, there are other amended Terms to comply with applicable law.
    If a user continues to use the Services, he/she will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Terms; if a user disagrees with the aforementioned amendments, he/she shall immediately cease the use of the Services and deregister as a user.
  • 條款變更通知NEW

    茲此修訂LINE Pay一般服務條款、隱私權政策及任何適用於LINE Pay服務(下稱「本服務」)之相關文件(以下合稱「本條款」)。
    自2015年 8月25日起,本服務之提供者將從台灣連線有限公司(下稱「LINE台灣」)及其關係企業,變更為連加網路商業股份有限公司(下稱「連加網路公司」)及其關係企業。故自2015年8月25日起,本條款提及「LINE台灣」之處,均應被視為由「連加網路公司」取代。此外,亦修訂本條款以符合應適用法律及連加家網路公司的內部政策。

    LINE Pay General Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and any relevant documents applicable to LINE Pay services (the "Services") (collectively, "Terms") are hereby amended.
    On and from August 25, 2015, the provider of the Services will be changed from LINE Taiwan Limited ("LINE Taiwan") and its affiliates to LINE BIZ+ Taiwan Limited ("LINE BIZ+ Taiwan") and its affiliates. Therefore, on and from August 25, 2015, any reference to "LINE Taiwan" under the Terms shall be deemed replaced with "LINE BIZ+ Taiwan." In addition, the Terms are also amended to comply with applicable law and internal policy of LINE BIZ+ Taiwan.
    If a user continues to use the Services, he/she will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Terms; if a user disagrees with the aforementioned amendments, he/she shall immediately cease the use of the Services and deregister as a user.
  • 儲值支付帳戶服務變更通知NEW


    1. 自即日起,LINE Pay不再提供儲值支付帳戶開戶服務; 現有儲值支付帳戶使用者仍可在2016年12月14日前繼續使用賬戶儲值、支付、轉帳、轉帳邀請服務。

    2. 自2016年12月14日起,將不再提供儲值支付帳戶服務,原儲值支付帳戶會員可自即日起透過網頁連結 (https://www.kokobank.com/KOKO/Pages/event/2016/20161015/index.html) 完成數位存款帳戶開戶,並於12月14日後完成餘額移轉,以維護您的權益。

    3. 自2016年12月14日起,依相關法令規定,原儲值支付帳戶會員所有交易明細,請逕至與原開戶銀行查詢。


    *國泰世華銀行客戶服務專線:(02) 2383-1000

    Notice of change for Online Saving Account services

    1. As of today, LINE Pay will no longer allow new Online Saving Accounts to be created. Current account users can still use their online savings, make payments, and send and request money until December 14, 2016.

    2. Online Saving Account services will no longer be available as of December 14, 2016. Online Saving Account holders can open digital savings accounts via the provided web link (https://www.kokobank.com/KOKO/Pages/event/2016/20161015/index.html) as of today. Please transfer your account balance after December 14 to ensure your rights and interests.

    3. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, Online Saving Account holders should contact the original bank of deposit from December 14, 2016 onward for inquiries regarding the details of any transactions.

    For issues concerning the account change, use of the new account, or details of any transactions made, please contact Cathay United Bank's customer service center.

    Customer service hotline for Cathay United Bank: (02) 2383-1000
    Customer service website: https://www.cathaybk.com.tw/cathaybk/about_contact.asp
    (Hours: 24 hours a day)
  • LINE Pay 條款變更通知NEW

    茲此修訂LINE Pay一般服務條款(下稱「本條款」,請參閱http://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse?lang=zh-Hant)。自2015年10月21日起,連加網路商業股份有限公司(下稱「連加網路公司」)將不再蒐集使用者的電子郵件作為必要聯繫資訊,因此也將不會以電子郵件作為通知使用者之方式。此外,亦修訂本條款以符合應適用法律及連加網路公司的內部政策。如使用者繼續使用本服務,其將被視為接受上述修訂後之本條款,且如使用者不同意上述修訂,應立即停止使用本服務,且註銷其使用者註冊。就本條款修訂部份,使用者得另參閱http://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse_Ammendment_20151020?lang=zh-Hant。 LINE Pay General Terms of Service (the “Terms”) is hereby amended as http://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse?lang=zh-Hant. On and from October 21, 2015, LINE BIZ+ Taiwan Limited (“LINE BIZ+ Taiwan”) will no longer collect the users’ e-mail as the mandatory contact information that LINE BIZ+ Taiwan will not notify the users via e-mail therefrom. In addition, the Terms are also amended to comply with applicable law and internal policy of LINE BIZ+ Taiwan. If a user continues to use the Services, he/she will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Terms; if a user disagrees with the aforementioned amendments, he/she shall immediately cease the use of the Services and deregister as a user. The user may find the amended Terms at http://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse_Ammendment_20151020?lang=zh-Hant.
  • PCI DSS(支付卡產業資料安全標準)認證NEW

    為提供用戶信用卡與交易資訊更安全的保護,LINE Pay已獲得PCI DSS(支付卡產業資料安全標準)認證。

    [關於PCI DSS認證]
    PCI DSS是由PCI安全標準協會所定義的信用卡處理安全標準,該協會由五個全球支付公司所組成 ,而該標準則被公認為支付卡產業中所有公司的基本要求。
    PCI DSS的組成有下列6個目標:
    - 建立並維護安全的網路
    - 保護持卡人資料
    - 維護安全弱點管理計畫
    - 實行嚴格的存取管制措施
    - 定期監控並測試網路
    - 維護資訊安全政策

    適用於服務供應商的PCI DSS認證分類為Level 1或Level 2。服務供應商若要獲得PCI DSS Level 1認證,必須符合由QSA(合格安全評估商)完整評估過的網路掃描要求以及12項安全要求。

    [LINE Pay已獲得PCI DSS Level 1認證。]
    LINE Pay經由QSA進行完整評估後,已獲得PCI DSS Level 1認證,證明LINE Pay已建置安全措施,並正強化其安全措施。且在世界知名的全球支付卡公司所保證的安全環境下,保護用戶的支付卡資訊與個人資訊。
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013資訊安全管理系統證書NEW

    為了安全地管理及保護用戶資料和基本資訊,LINE Pay已取得ISO/IEC 27001資訊安全管理系統(ISMS)證書。

    [關於ISO/IEC 27001:2013]

    ISO/IEC 27001是資訊安全管理系統的國際標準,由國際標準化組織(ISO)和國際電工委員會(IEC)發展而成,已被視為世界上最具權威性的證書之一。

    ISO/IEC 27001:2013為修訂版資訊安全標準,取代ISO/IEC 27001:2005版,由分成14個領域的114個控制項所構成,包括資訊安全政策、資訊安全組織、存取控制、加密、實體與環境安全等。


    [LINE Pay現在已獲ISO/IEC 27001認證。]

    以下五間LINE Pay公司已透過國際認證機構DNV GL的徹底評估,取得ISO/IEC 27001證書。
    - LINE Biz+ PTE. LTD. (新加坡)
    - LINE BIZ PLUS Corp. (韓國)
    - LINE Pay Corporation(日本)
    - LINE BIZ+ Taiwan Limited(台灣)
    - LINE BIZ Plus Ltd. (泰國)

    我們將持續致力於為您提供最安全的LINE Pay服務。

  • LINE Pay隱私權政策變更通知NEW

    LINE Pay隱私權政策內容已變更,詳見http://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=zh-hant。自2016年3月21日起,根據LINE Pay隱私權政策,LINE BIZ+Taiwan Limited(以下稱為「本公司」)可在用戶終止或解約LINE Pay帳號服務期間或之後,於一定期間內使用並處理所收集的個人資訊,以便進行退款及其他相關用途。

    LINE Pay Privacy Policy is hereby amended as http://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=zh-hant. On and from March 21, 2016, LINE Pay Privacy Policy describes that LINE BIZ+Taiwan Limited (hereinafter referred as “Company”) may use and process personal information collected when or after the user terminates or withdraws the account for LINE Pay services for refund, and other purposes during a certain period of time.
    If a user continues to use the Services, he/she will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Privacy Policy; if a user disagrees with the aforementioned amendments, he/she may withdraw the consent to PP through ceasing the use of the Services and deregistering as a user. The user may find the amended LINE Pay Privacy policy at http://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=zh-hant.
  • LINE Pay 條款變更通知NEW


    茲此修訂LINE Pay一般服務條款(下稱「本條款」,請參閱[http://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_TermsofUse?lang=zh-hant](下稱「本修訂條款」)。
    除連加網路商業股份有限公司(下稱「連加網路公司」)現已就使用者與平台業者間之交易所提供之代收轉付服務外,自2016年10月 12日起,就使用者於連加網路公司指定之商業合作夥伴(下稱「商業夥伴」)所經營之銷售平台上所進行與商業夥伴間之交易(下稱「商業夥伴交易」),連加網路公司僅提供有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務,且不涉及任何商業夥伴交易所生之付款請求相關之金流。亦即連加網路公司不就商業夥伴交易提供任何代收轉付服務。


    LINE Pay General Terms of Service (the “Terms”) is hereby amended as [http://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_TermsofUse?lang=zh-hant](the “Amended Terms”).
    In addition to the payment and collection service has been provided by LINE BIZ+ Taiwan Limited (“LINE BIZ+ Taiwan”) for the transaction between the user and the platform operator, on and from October [12th], 2016, for the transactions between the user and business partners designated by LINE BIZ+ Taiwan (the “Business Partners”) on the sales platform operated by Business Partners (the “Business Partner Transactions”), LINE BIZ+ Taiwan will only provide limited credit card payment information transmission service and does not involve itself in any fund flow of payment requests incurred from the Business Partner Transactions.
    In other words, LINE BIZ+ Taiwan will not provide any payment and collection services in terms of Business Partner Transactions.
    The user should further acknowledge and understand LINE BIZ+ Taiwan will provide applicable payment service (e.g. “payment and collection service” or “limited credit card payment information transmission service”), as the case may be, for the respective transaction from time to time. Besides, the Terms are also amended to comply with applicable law and internal policy of LINE BIZ+ Taiwan.
    If a user continues to use the services, he/she will be deemed to have accepted the Amended Terms; if a user disagrees with the Amended Terms, he/she shall immediately cease the use of the services and deregister as a user.

    The revision of the Terms as set forth under Amended Terms are including paragraph 1of the Preamble, Clause 1.1, Clause 1.4, Clause 2.2.2, Clause 4.1, Clause 4.3, Clause 4.4, Clause 4.5, Clause 4.6, Clause 4.7, Clause 4.10, Clause 4.14, Clause 4.16, Clause 5.1, Clause 6.1, Clause 6.2, Clause 7.1, Clause 7.1.8, Clause 7.1.19, Clause 8.2, Clause 11.4, and Clause 15.5.