
请参考LINE Pay的最新通知和官方公告。

  • LINE Pay Privacy Policy Update Notice and Introduction of Addendum for GDPRNEW

    As of May 25, 2018, European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive.

    To comply with GDPR, LINE Pay has updated LINE Pay Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) accordingly and prepared LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for GDPR (“Addendum for GDPR”) to better protect personal data of users in EU (European Union). The Addendum for GDPR is applied to users in EU only.

    If you continue to use the LINE Pay Services, you will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned updated Privacy Policy and Addendum for GDPR. If you do not agree to the aforementioned updates, please immediately cease the use of the LINE Pay Services. You may find the updated Privacy Policy at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=en and Addendum for GDPR at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_GDPR_global?lang=en.

  • Notice of service provider change

    Dear LINE Pay International Users:

    All of us at LINE Group wish to thank you for your continued patronage of LINE's services.

    We are writing to inform you that LINE Pay Corporation、a Japanese entity("LINE Pay Japan")、shall replace LINE Biz+Pte.Ltd.、a Singapore entity as the LINE Pay service provider、with effect from 9 February 2018.

    Should you wish to continue utilizing LINE Pay services through LINE Pay Japan、there is nothing else that you must do. In this regard、please note that if you do not terminate your LINE Pay account before 9 February 2018. you will be deemed to have consented to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that is issued by LINE Pay Japan、which will act as the service provider of all LINE Pay services provided to you henceforth.

    However、if you do not agree to change your service provider to LINE Pay Japan、please terminate your LINE Pay account before 9 February 2018. If you terminate your LINE Pay account、please note that all of your personal information relating to the LINE Pay service stored in LINE's servers will be deleted unless required by law.

    We wish to continue to provide you with great services and look forward to serving you through LINE Pay Japan、and we remain;

    Very truly yours、
    LINEBiz+Pte Ltd.
  • 以后就用LINE来支付!


    欢迎使用便捷安全的LINE Pay服务。

    请在LINE的[其他]菜单中选择使用LINE Pay。

    * LINE Pay可在iPhone、Adnroid操作系统中使用。(部分Android设备除外)

    * 部分国家无法使用LINE Pay。
  • “使用条款”更新通知

    Please be informed that the (i) LINE Pay General Terms of Service (the "Terms") applicable to the LINE Pay services (the "Services") and (ii) the LINE Pay Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") have been amended as of June 2, 2015. The amendments to the Terms and Privacy Policy have been made to comply with applicable law and the internal policies of the Company. If you continue to use the Services, you will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Terms and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the aforementioned amendments, please immediately cease the use of the Services.
  • “使用条款”更新通知

    Please be informed that the (i) LINE Pay General Terms of Service (the "Terms") applicable to the LINE Pay services (the "Services") and (ii) the LINE Pay Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") have been amended as of October 20, 2015. The amendments to the Terms and Privacy Policy have been made to comply with applicable law and the internal policies of the Company. If you continue to use the Services, you will be deemed to have accepted the aforementioned amended Terms and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the aforementioned amendments, please immediately cease the use of the Services. You may find the amended Terms at http://terms2.line.me/linepay_SG_TermsofUse?lang=en and the amended Privacy Policy at http://terms2.line.me/linepay_web_PP?lang=en. (Updated as of October 21, 2015)
  • PCI DSS(支付卡行业数据安全标准)认证

    为了更安全地保护用户的信用卡和交易信息,LINE Pay已获得PCI DSS(支付卡行业数据安全标准)认证。

    [关于PCI DSS认证]
    PCI DSS是由PCI安全标准委员会制定的信用卡处理安全标准,该协会自身由全球五大支付品牌创立, 而此标准被视作面向支付卡行业内所有公司的基本要求。
    PCI DSS由以下六个目标构成:
    - 建立并维护安全网络
    - 保护持卡人数据
    - 维护漏洞管理计划
    - 采取严格的访问控制手段
    - 定期监测和测试网络
    - 维护信息安全政策

    面向服务提供商的PCI DSS认证分为1级和2级。服务提供商若要获得PCI DSS 1级认证,必须满足网络扫描要求和12项安全要求,这些要求会由QSA(具备资质的安全评估师)进行详尽评估。

    [LINE Pay已获得PCI DSS 1级认证。]
    LINE Pay已通过QSA所执行的详尽评估,获得了PCI DSS 1级兼容认证。由此证明LINE Pay已经建立并施行各项安全措施,借由全球知名的支付品牌为大家提供安全且有保障的环境,不仅能保护用户的支付卡信息,还能保护用户的个人信息。
    如需更多信息,请参考PCI 安全标准委员会网站。
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013信息安全管理系统认证

    为了安全地管理和保护您的用户数据及基本信息,LINE Pay已获得ISO/IEC 27001信息安全管理系统(ISMS)认证。

    [关于ISO/IEC 27001:2013]

    ISO/IEC 27001是由国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)共同开发的国际信息安全管理系统标准。它被公认为全球最具权威性的认证之一。

    ISO/IEC 27001:2013是已修订的信息安全标准,已取代ISO/IEC 27001:2005,由14领域,114项控制措施构成,其中涉及信息安全政策、信息安全组织、访问控制、加密、人身和环境安全。


    [LINE Pay现已通过ISO/IEC 27001认证。]

    以下5家LINE Pay公司通过国际认证机构DNV GL的全面而深入的评估,已获得ISO/IEC 27001认证。
    - LINE Biz+ PTE. LTD. (新加坡)
    - LINE BIZ PLUS Corp. (韩国)
    - LINE Pay Corporation (日本)
    - LINE BIZ+ Taiwan Limited(台湾)
    - LINE BIZ Plus Ltd. (泰国)

    我们将继续努力为您提供最安全的LINE Pay。